• Juliana Alves Pereira, Hugo Martin, Mathieu Acher, Jean-Marc Jézéquel, Goetz Botterweck, Anthony Ventresque “Learning Software Configuration Spaces: A Systematic Literature Review” (submitted) preprint
  • Mathieu Acher, Hugo Martin, Juliana Alves Pereira, Arnaud Blouin, Djamel Eddine Khelladi, Jean-Marc Jézéquel “Learning From Thousands of Build Failures of Linux Kernel Configurations” (submitted) preprint
  • Paul Temple, Hugo Martin, Mathieu Acher and Jean-Marc Jézéquel “Applying Multimorphic Testing to Deep Learning Systems” at DeepTest (workshop at ICSE’19 https://deeptestconf.github.io/)
  • Quentin Plazar, Mathieu Acher, Gilles Perrouin, Xavier Devroey, and Maxime Cordy. Uniform Sampling of SAT Solutions for Configurable Systems: Are We There Yet? (2019). In ICST 2019 - 12th International Conference on Software Testing, Verification, and Validation preprint
  • Benoit Amand, Maxime Cordy, Patrick Heymans, Mathieu Acher, Paul Temple, and Jean-Marc Jézéquel. Towards Learning-Aided Configuration in 3D Printing: Feasibility Study and Application to Defect Prediction (2019). In VaMoS 2019 - 13th International Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-Intensive Systems preprint
  • Gilles Perrouin, Mathieu Acher, Maxime Cordy, and Xavier Devroey. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Machine Learning and Software Engineering in Symbiosis, MASES@ASE 2018, Montpellier, France, September 3, 2018 [editor of the proceedings] (2018). published by ACM
  • Mathieu Acher, Paul Temple, Jean-Marc Jézéquel, José Angel Galindo Duarte, Jabier Martinez, and Tewfik Ziadi. VaryLaTeX: Learning Paper Variants That Meet Constraints (2018). In 12th International Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-intensive Systems VaryLaTeX
  • Axel Halin, Alexandre Nuttinck, Mathieu Acher, Xavier Devroey, Gilles Perrouin, Benoit Baudry. Test them all, is it worth it? Assessing configuration sampling on the JHipster Web development stack (2018) arxiv
  • Paul Temple, Mathieu Acher, Jean-Marc A Jézéquel, and Olivier Barais. Learning Contextual Variability Models. IEEE Software open access
  • Paul Temple, José Angel Galindo Duarte, Mathieu Acher, and Jean-Marc Jézéquel. Using Machine Learning to Infer Constraints for Product Lines. In Software Product Line Conference (SPLC’16), Beijing, China, September 2016 open access
  • Paul Temple, Mathieu Acher, Jean-Marc A Jézéquel, Léo A Noel-Baron, and José A Galindo. Learning-Based Performance Specialization of Configurable Systems. Research report, IRISA, Inria Rennes ; University of Rennes 1, Feb 2017. open acess